User agreement

 Welcome to use IFUNMART platform to provide services, "IFUNMART user agreement" (hereinafter referred to as "this agreement") is that you (or called "user", refers to the register, login, and use the services of the individual or organization) and on IFUNMART between IFUNMART platform operating company website (, this website) and IFUNMART products, processes and services of the agreement.

IFUNMART hereby reminds you to read and fully understand the terms of this agreement, especially the terms of exemption or limitation of liability, the application of law and the terms of jurisdiction, which will be indicated in bold.
IFUNMART's legal statements, platform specifications, notices, announcements, and rules published for individual goods or services are an integral part of this agreement and are inseparable from this agreement and have the same legal effect.
If you agree to this agreement and complete all registration procedures, you indicate that you have fully read, understood and accepted the entire contents of this agreement and reached an agreement with IFUNMART to become an IFUNMART user.
In the course of reading this agreement, if you do not agree to this agreement or any of its terms, you shall immediately stop the registration process.

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