IFUMART after-sales and logistics policy


Track orders

Order and shipment confirmation

Transport policy

Unified the freight

Return policy


Track orders

After the order is delivered, you can check the logistics situation in real-time on the order interface. IFUMART will track your order in real time. We are happy to track your order for you.


Order and shipment confirmation

After completing your online order, you will receive your order confirmation via email.If you need to change the order, please reply to the email within 24 hours. If you do not receive the reply email, the order message will be confirmed by default.

Transport policy

Unless otherwise specified in the order confirmation, all orders will be shipped within 2 business days.If your order contains coffee roasted on a specific date (such as Wednesday), the entire order will be shipped together on that specific date.The order cannot be baked and shipped on the day the order is placed.If an item is out of stock, we will notify you of the delay by E-mail.


Unified the freight

No matter where you are in China, IFUMART is free of postage. Thank you for your trust in us.


Return policy

To ensure your complete satisfaction, you may return any unopened items within 7 days (except for point exchange items) for a full refund and shipping costs.If you have any other questions, you are welcome to send an email to, or scan the qr code below to add the customer service WeChat consultation.We look forward to receiving any suggestions from you.





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