1. Provide, collect and verify user information

(a) you are obligated to provide your true information at the time of registration and to ensure the validity, security and timely update of such contents as email address, contact number, contact address, zip code, etc. so that the IFUMART platform can provide services for you and communicate with you in a timely and effective manner.You shall be solely liable for any loss or additional costs incurred by you in using the service as a result of your inability to contact you through these means.

(b) the IFUMART platform may collect additional information from public sources and private sources to better understand IFUMART platform users and tailor IFUMART platform services to help resolve disputes and ensure the security of transactions on the site.The IFUMART platform will collect only such personal information about you as the IFUMART platform deems necessary for this purpose and the achievement of that purpose.

(c) you agree that IFUMART platform may verify the user information (including but not limited to your personal id information) submitted by you or collected by IFUMART platform by itself or through a cooperating third party, and the verification results obtained shall be viewed, used and retained in accordance under this agreement and relevant documents.

(d) the IFUMART platform automatically tracks certain information about you based on your behavior on the IFUMART platform.The IFUMART platform USES this information to conduct internal research on the demographics, interests, and behavior of users of the IFUMART platform to better understand you and provide better services to you and other users of the IFUMART platform.

(e) if you deliver your personal communication information (e.g. SMS, email or letter) to the IFUMART platform, or if other users or third parties send communication information to the IFUMART platform about your activities or login activities on the IFUMART platform, the IFUMART platform can collect such information in your special files.

2. Use and disclosure of user information

(a) you agree to IFUMART platform can use of your personal information (including but not limited to IFUMART platform holds information on your archives, and IFUMART platform from your current and previous on IFUMART platform acquired by the activities of other materials) to help solve the dispute, to mediate disputes and ensure the IFUMART security trading platform, and implement IFUMART platform service agreement and the related rules.The IFUMART platform may sometimes investigate multiple users to identify problems or resolve disputes, especially if the IFUMART platform can review your profile to identify users with multiple user names or aliases.In order to limit fraudulent, illegal or other criminal activities on the website and to protect the IFUMART platform from them, you agree that the IFUMART platform may evaluate your personal data manually or automatically.

(b) you agree that the IFUMART platform may use your personal information to improve the promotion and promotion of the IFUMART platform, to analyze the usage rate of the website, to improve the content and form of product promotion of the IFUMART platform, and to make the website content, design and services of the IFUMART platform more in line with the requirements of users.These USES improve the IFUMART platform's web pages to tailor the IFUMART platform's web pages to your needs so that you can use the IFUMART platform's services for a smoother, more efficient, safer, and customized trading experience.

(c) you should properly keep your username and password after successful registration.You confirm that, whether you or your agent, all actions on the IFUMART platform after logging on to the IFUMART platform with your user name and password represent you and you shall bear the corresponding legal consequences.

(d) the IFUMART platform will protect, use or disclose the personal information provided by you, collected by itself and authenticated in accordance with this agreement and relevant rules.The IFUMART platform will adopt industry-standard practices to protect your personal data, but due to technical limitations, the IFUMART platform cannot guarantee that all your personal communications and other personal data will not be disclosed through other means.

(e) when you use the IFUMART platform services for transactions, you authorize the company to disclose your personal information including but not limited to your real name, contact information, credit status and other necessary personal information and transaction information to the other party of your transaction or the partner institution of IFUMART platform (only limited to the partner institution of IFUMART platform that provides services to you).

(f) IFUMART platform is obliged to provide your personal data to judicial authorities and government departments as required by relevant laws.When you failed to, in accordance with the rules or connection with this agreement, IFUMART platform and IFUMART platform other users signed the relevant agreement agreed to perform their obligations, IFUMART platform shall have the right to according to their own judgment, the agreement and rules, the state effective ruling document or other user's reasonable request associated with the deal to disclose your personal information (including but not limited to the IFUMART platform and posted on the Internet your violation, breach of contract, and any relevant to you will be the content recorded in the credit data, file or database).Moreover, other users acting as lenders may request IFUMART platform to provide relevant information through the judicial department, and IFUMART platform shall not bear any responsibility for this.

3. Your use of other users' information

(a) you have no right to require the IFUMART platform to provide other users' personal data during the trading activities provided by the IFUMART platform, unless you have filed a lawsuit against other users for illegal or breach of contract in the activities of the IFUMART platform;

(b) if you obtain the personal information of other users by such means assigning the relevant agreement, you agree not to use such personal information for any purpose other than the performance of the relevant agreement, unless such information is required to be disclosed by a competent court or government department under applicable laws.




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